Website Design, Website Hosting and Search Engine Optimization for Phoenix-Area Small Business Owners

Website Redesign

Thanks to the web, customers can find out about you and your products and services at the click of a button. But it's a sword that cuts both ways – they can find out about your competitors just as easily. How does your online image stack up against theirs?

Keep Ahead of the Competition

If you've ever watched a family member or friend surfing cable TV channels, you know how most poeple surf the web. They make up their mind about a website in the first couple of seconds, meaning your website has to outdo your competitors' or you'll risk losing valuable customers.

Checking out the competition is a good place to start when it comes time to think about updating your website. How does your site compare to theirs? If you think theirs are "better" in some way then it probably is time for a website redesign. Your website is a reflection of your business.

Increase Visibility

Maybe your website wasn't designed originally with "findability" in mind, and surfers just aren't seeing it when they search for your product or service. If that's the case, (if you or someone else built your small business website by dragging boxes around a downloaded website "builder" it nearly certainly is the case) it's definitely time for a redesign. Location is as important online as it is in the physical world. The only location that matters online is where your website appears in search engine listings when potential customers are searching for what you offer.

You can check this yourself easily by performing a Google search for your industry in your area. Are you near the top of the list?

The quality of the programming on your website also affects its visibility. Your small business website won't be looked at by a Google employee who then categorizes it into search results. Google and the other search engines rely on sophisticated programs that "read" your website and decide what it's about. High-quality programming makes it easier for search engines to "read" your website and index it appropriately so searchers will be able to find you.

Eviden Web Design and Marketing will program your website according to World Wide Web Consortium standards. This ensures it will be readable on different computers and other devices, as well as improve the positioning of your small business website in search engine results.

It's a Great PR Opportunity

Having a site redesign is a great opportunity to contact your existing customers, potential customers and the media to reinforce your branding message.

New Website Design

  • Custom website design from scratch - no templates!
  • Two free revisions
  • All custom websites have Search Engine Optimization (SEO) built in

Get more info on New Website projects!

Website Redesign

  • Update tired-looking websites
  • Add SEO for higher search rankings
  • Don't be embarrassed by your website!

Get more info on website makeovers!

Advanced SEO

  • Search engine placement
  • Keyword campaign
  • Analytics

Get more info on SEO!


  • Reliable, fast website hosting
  • Perform periodic updates
  • Receive performance metrics

Get more info on Worry-Free Hosting!

ev•i•den ('εv ɪ dən) from L. evidentem: "Clear, Distinct, Plain, Evident"